Friday, October 28, 2005


I am posting this on the official last day of the school year. And i have to say that it is really a bitter sweet feeling that is really strong. At the end of this school year, when i looked back on my year, i cried, literally, this year has been the best in my schooling life so far.

I immensly enjoyed this year, and i really cannot bear to let everyone go. Mrs. Lim is going on to do more in the MOE, and will no longer be the principal of TJC. I have to say that i was quite shocked at myself. I guess it did not really hit me until after her farewell concert. i was really glad when i got the honour to hand her her present, even thought the fashion in which i did was really silly. then she went on to her speech where she gave a summary of her life story, and i felt small inklings of loss, and i guess that i wasnt fully aware how it would affect me. then it was when we went up on stage to sing the school song, that i think i really broke down. It was the start of the song, just seeing mrs lim stand there, i saw how it started from the interview, and then here where i am, on stage, one of the councillors, and honouring the best person, principle, companion and friend, i think i have ever met in my life.

from there, it was a waterfall. the tears just kept flowing, and i didnt even know what was happening to me. I have to admit that i have never felt so strongly, or ever cried in school before. It had been just too overwhelming, and especially when i come to terms with it at such a late date. It is true, /" you have to know that everything will eventually end, so while you have what you have, treasure it, and dont regret it after its gone"/. so i can say that these tears are not in vain, as it is for the good times, and the inspiration Mrs Lim has given to me. Thank you, Mrs. Lim.

It is not just her that made me weep so much, but it was more like he build up of emotions. Like i have said, this year has been the best in my schooling life, every point i enjoyed, and even with certain ups and downs i have never wished for anything else. I stepped into TJ for the first time, to have the interview for TAIP, and before coming i had no inkling whatsoever to stay dedicateed to the school. Perhaps it was that VS mentality, and the macho figure that i had to pose, that caused me to not have any emotional link with anything.

stepping into that interview room, and speaking with Mrs Lim, i felt so welcomed, so much at home, and with Mrs Lim like a mother not just to the school, but to every individual. She was the sole changer of every emotion in my body, and pretty much my entire attitude. maybe it can be considered a turnign point, and she guided me smoothly round the bend.

My feelings for Mrs Lim will never change, and she will always be my inspiration, it will be as strong as my bond with one'eey oh five. I pretty much said what i wanted to in my earlier post about the class, and i still find the class the best in IP, best in school, and the best, just.

Swifter, Higher, Stronger, just.

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