Monday, July 18, 2005

Highs and lows

the recent TA fun night was really good! i wouldn't say it was a success, but it turned out quite well. therefore, i wanna thank the 29th SC, and all that came, cuz it really could not have been done without ya guys.

i had a good time, and the most of the TASC too. the reason being that we went through the entire night with as little hiccups as possible. sure, the food ran out too quickly, and the drinks were finished by 8, but there were people that bothered to come, and they had quite a good time with all the performances (okay so the bands weren't that great) and the food ( people eat too fast >.< ).

The organising of the entire thing was not that fun, but i kinda enjoyed the night before the TA night. I noe syak kinda pissed at turnout to help the things like the frame, and backdrop, but i, ironically, enjoyed doing the bacjdrop without so many people. The people that actually stayed back to do were me, syak and yee chuin. those were the people from the TASC. but i think the people that should receive more credit would be 3 of the house caps and nick. chun kiat, raimi, benjamin and nick. thanks so much guys!!! thank you for staying back till 12 am to spray paint the back drop and do up the frame.

I particularly enjoyed the nice company of the 29s and the 2 people there which were 100% committed. the thing is that when you are with people that are driven and really want to get things done, you have that sense of acheivement. actually i was more proud that there were at least 2 more (from TASC) that were willing to help. i couldnt care less that the rest went home, i just was glad i had help.

on friday, i was just worried that we could not get things done on time. it was 3 pm, and the AV guys had not met me to setup the stuff. the decor part was doing okay, but yee chuin was very worried it wouldnt turn out nicely. the previous night most of it was still arguments, and a lot of unsettled stuff. today, everything was being rushed, and the deadline was no longer than 3 hours. then just 1 1/2? 2? hours before the fun night, we change the venue, due to the rain, and chaos just came. but we made it in good time. partially because not many people came at 6. in fact, the turnout seemed so bad that we did not officially start until 7.15, 45 mins off our initial start time.

from there things started to pick up. the turnout became better, and the things started to kick off well. the people had something to focus on and there was at least some direction to the whole thing. I think that the part i enjoyed the most had to be the end. not because it was so bad that i wanted it to end, but because of my favourite part, mass dance! here is another part where it would not have been as good without the 29th. they performed on stage, we performed on the floor, and it looked really nice. a great way to end the whole thing :D

the next day, i was tired beyond tired. my arms ached so much, i swear they were going to drop off. i just felt like sleeping the whole day. (which i did) even today, monday, my muscles still hurt and im still suffering from the fatigue of the two days.

sigh, saturday i eventually fell sick. KaX couldnt make it for the concert, and now me too. I am really sorry bib, maybe next time we treat you to a meal or something? haish, after all the hype i gave when i said i was going to go, now i feel really bad, like i betrayed her or something. it was like thursday night. i was going to stay as long as needed to do finish the backdrop, and that meant even staying over, but in the end, i called my parents, and hearing them all worried about me, my heart just sank. am i really giving too much for SC? am i losing touch of my friends, and maybe even my family? what else can i do? i have to make up for it. make everything better.

haha, now i really have lost the inspiration i had when i started. oh well, blog i shall, but of what next?

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