Monday, July 25, 2005

little things

life is filled with little things. things that not many people pay attention to, but they can accumulate to a large portion of life. From the little action of saying thank you to the putting down of other people, they really do make a difference.

Perhaps i am one of those oversensitive people that like to pay attention to those small insignificant things, and i end up over criticising myself or making mountains out of molehills.

I found it funny when Ms Cheah said during the breifing for the exchange students, that some little details we overlook at home like certain practices before or after mealtime, might be offensive to some people. the particular example i found interesting was the one where she spoke of couples that divorce as they didnt know about the daily practices of his or her spouse. like even the squeezing of the toothpaste bottle from the middle or the end, could cause another trigger to the couples seperation.

I enjoy how people would send an sms after a project or meeting and say thanks for coming or talk about how productive the meeting was. I know that Nick does it all the time, and some might take it for granted, but they then feel good about the message. I try to mimic him, in value and in priciple, as i think that even if people ignore the effort or just delete the message without half a glance, it can still have a certain impact on others, and i am sure that even i enjoy the small praise for a job well done.

This just goes to show how important the little things are. however, there are times where i think i get overly agitated with certain little tricks and teases that are not supposed to mean anything. for example, i love singing, especially out loud. however, i know that i am not the best singer on earth, but that does not mean that i like people asking me to shut up. sigh... it is being over sensitive, but if the action is so minute, it is not hard to just not to say it, and it has a better impact on the receiver. another is how i dont always understand the tricks that are played on me. sorry syak, but when you purposely ignore me, and in front of others, i know that you are joking, but i just take it too much to heart. not your fault, just i too sensitive.

Maybe that is whats most important in a relationship, that as much as the big feelings are important, that one is able to live with the partner on the day to day basis and is able to live and accept and even mesh together. same for family, the little times i get to talk to my parents in the car or during dinner, or the weekends we find things to do and have fun together. without them we wont have the bond we share.

now that i talk about it, i think i really feel guilty towards my little brother. my mom tells me that i play a big part in his life and that the things i do to aggravate him strains our relationship. i just find it hard to be fair and nice to him, and i just get too irritating, it is true, i do constantly aggravate him.

little things accumulate, and they can become a big part of life. some little things hurt and some are nice, but taken for granted. we just need to looker deeper into our actions, i may not have high awareness of my physical body, but when it comes to my actions, i beleive and i hope that i have a resonable level of control over myself.

little things, become big things.

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