2) Sure it organises everything,
3) maybe i should go create a list too
4) but i like my way of doing things
5) my very own post it wall, with all sorts of post-its of what i need to do
6) but i don't update it regularly enough
7) can never find my pen to do it....
--- end of list 1 ---
1) there are a number of things i have to do this hols
2) but one big thing i need to do is reflect
3) every year i do so, but never intentionally plan to reflect
4) i just do.
5) but i guess this year i really gotta "wake up my idea"
6) funny how things happen that change my point of views.
7) i feel like i need to do something with myself
8) get going, go places, do things
9) very lazy
10) somewhat annoyed with myself
--- end of list 2 ---
1) what happened to days of being happy
2) not very like you is it?
3) balance balance balance, cannot trip myself up
4) its been a year
5) wow, its been a year
6) not the best year
7) but 'ere's been a 'ear, that prolly's quite dear
8) that was silly, weak too >.<
9) hard to rhyme -ear to fit the context.
10 ) i bet just didn't think long enough
11) this list thing is very... disjointed
--- end of list 3 ---
5) lists are very straight to the point
7) no flapping around redundencies
4) but quite cold huh?
2) its in our words that we show who we are
6) what can you tell from just "Do Laundry"
1) but it sorts out things in your head
3) unless the things you list are already scrambled up
--- end of lists ---