Friday, May 21, 2010

Love/Liking your Job

This week I'm involved in the CSSCOM COC parade, so Toxin, Sam Poh, Thomas and I are all involved in the parade. While having dinner this evening, we started talking about "don't make your interest your job, or you will no longer like it"

There are 2 cases, making your interest your job and making your passion your job, there is a stark difference, but very hard to diffrentiate between the two.

you might have a real interest in a field, be it engineering or teaching or even art, but the problem with pursuing this interest as your bread bowl results in 2 problems.

1) Money. When you depend on your interest for your ricebowl, you end up sacrificing your interest to satisfy your hunger.

2) the corporate ladder looks very similar as you get closer to the top. At the base level, an engineer's job is starkly different from a fireman or from an accountant. however look at the next level, they all have a boss/supervisor that has to manage them and instruct them what to do. Similarly when you look onto the next level, their bosses needs to manage them, they still may have some ground experience, but it decreases in frequency as their appointment goes up. Very rarely do you see the manager of a franchise cook up a tidy meal for his customers. Also, at the top, they seem to do pretty much the same thing. CEOs' job scopes do not really differ that much.

I beleive this leads to much frustration to individuals. They end up asking themselves "is this really what I signed up for?" as they realise that they have been quite far removed from thier initial interest. Getting caught up with office politicking (and yes this is inevitable) it is easy to lose sight of what you wanted to do in the first place.

The only exception to this is if your interest is in politics, then if you went into that field, you would be perfectly fine ;)

There is a difference if your interest is more than just a liking of a field, if you LOVE, your job, it may evolve into your passion.

Then your motivations change as well. It is not merely a case of wanting to do what you like, instead you want to make a difference, which is quite the perspective change.

I beleive that if you have a real love and passion to change something, then you should very well make it your job. Take for example a toy designer. Having an interest for toys is not enough, because there is a lot of team work to come up with a design, presenting to bosses kills they joy you might have had conceptualising it, you might end up miserable, or worse, Furby is back on toy shelves everywhere. On the other hand, if your love for toys is such that you want to change how toys are received or maybe how toys are played, then you would fight tooth and nail for the toys you have pitched, and this sort of passion is very difficult to go unnoticed.

No one said it will be a walk in the park, and getting to that point where you have finally been the change you want to see, is a freaking uphill battle, but achievement was only possible with all the effort put in.

I hope I'm able to be like the latter, and shake the industry I work in :) I aim to combine my interest and job together!

Friday, May 07, 2010

Adventures and Misadventures

I'm starting to make my 'out-of-camp-once-a-week' into a habitual thing... don't know if that's good or not.

In any case, i'm out on a Friday! dental appointment this morning and leave in the afternoon. So let's start with my...


I seem to like to post about my adventures only. oh well!

the long weekend of Labour Day, i managed to join SMUX group on their little trip to malaysia! (thanks Varun) It was an absolute blast! but i'll let the pictures on facebook speak for themselves!


just a short photo trip!

so we started at Beach road, and took a long bus ride up to Genting. Reached at 5 am, so killed time at Starbucks (really? of all places >.<) before starting Activity #1!


well, they might have spelled my name wrong ("Jonathan Weng", sheesh) but quite the experience nonetheless. the funniest is coming out of the first round drooling all over, because its so dry with all that wind!

Then our chartered bus ($1500 for 2 days, what an interesting way to travel!!!) brought us down to KL for... Activity #2! PAINTBALL

seriously seriously epic games! after talking about it for so long, i finally get my chance to dabble in our paint warfare, and it was a blast running around like a mad man, and going crazy trying to steal the flag for our team!

Pooped i was at the end of the first day, but still, got dragged out to Sugei Wang then Jalan Alor for dinner, but absolutely no regrets at all, just look at part of our dinner feast!

man, that Shiwen can really order! she seemed to know all the best things to get, and she had this voracious appetite that none of us could match!

After a sumptuous dinner, off to bed to recharge for the next day's activities.

We must have a proper breakfast before setting off, and i was lucky enough to be bunked with other guys who shared my enthusiasm! so Dim Sum breakfast at Chinatown (just a short walk from our hotel) YUM!

slept in the bus again on our journey to Malacca for Activity #3


we were a little dissapointed when we saw a small little track at the ATV place, but we were not expecting our ATV route to be totally different, and went into the forests and went onto high hills, just awesome, fun as hell, and totally thrilling!

and to round it all off, we ended in Johore with Activity #4


I love the go-kart track. its also super out-of-place! its like in the middle of nowhere. in the bus it was like plantation-plantation-plantation-GO KART TRACK?!?! yes, because it was in the middle of nowhere, it was a BIG and WIDE area, with an excellent area to go insane on our go-kart. 10 mins sounded a little short, but it was about right. maybe a little longer and we could have raced a bit, but 10 mins was enough to adjust to the track. and it would be fun to go back with more friends next time!

Ah, i love these little malaysia trips. but too bad they cost so much, if not i would go everyweek if i could. but i like the possibilities of it. i'm gaining more knowledge and experience as i go along, and hopefully i'll be able to organise such a trip in the future too! and maybe be a bit more adventurous in where we go!

Thanks to everyone on the SMUX team! for making it so memorable!


The plan was to go from my dental appointment at SAFTI MI to Serangoon Gardens to meet Uncle Sebastian, Grandparents came to pick me up. i think there was a hint of lethargy due to the weather, but whether the weather made a difference or not i'm not sure.

So we were off the PIE and onto the CTE. there was this little stretch where there were some road works to the side, and i was going to exit at Bradell Exit. there seemed to be a slight narrow in the road (which i did not realise at all) and i felt the car strike something, then following by a grinding sound.

At this point i'm thinking the paint job on the side of the car is totally gone, so we stop to check the car. And Grandpa points out to me that the front left tyre is completely gone, leaving just the rim. i'm totally feeling guilty at this point but all energy was redirected to changing the tyre and getting our car out of the place.

After struggling damn long with the wheel (its FREAKING hard to change the damn thing >.<) we were still unable to get the spare tyre on, and found that it isn't just a problem with the wheel, but the wheel "tendon", the turning piston of sorts, has snapped, so we can't drive even if we could get the wheel in (the metal around the wheel bent too, so can't get the wheel in)

I don't know if its because i was tired from changing the tyre, or maybe i was a little shook up, but giddy spell hit, and a little short of oxygen at that point. thank goodness that the highway rescue team came, towed our car to Toa Payoh, letting us settle down, get some lunch and get someone to come tow our car to get fixed.

I'm utterly utterly blessed and grateful that no one got hurt, and tough i wish i didn't get into an accident in the first place, but glad that since it happened, there was a lot to learn from it, and the price paid was minimal.

++ My Take++
this month (thus far) i've had my fair share of (mis)adventures, but i guess this is what makes life interesting! i'd rather have all these than mundane routines anyday.

I've got a lot to be thankful for! now to move forward and continue this spirit!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Mobile Mariachi

After telling people around me so much about my Malaysia trip, I guess a blog post is in order! Haha, will find a way to put up the pictures too!

while most of the others might title this "LSC Lg. Sg. Chin" or "Horse! Horse! Horse!" I remember my trip more for the on the road singing and random public performances which were totally awesome!

It all started one Sunday while at Canoe Polo, I happen to mention to Nor, I want to be going out and doing more things, then she calls me on a trip to go Whitewater Rafing in Perak, Malaysia with a group of her friends. And thanks to a spontaneous spirit and supportive parents, I'm at Lavender Rd on Good Friday morning with 8.5 strangers (Nor is a half-stranger) about to go on a 2 night trip to Malaysia.

The whole of the first day was travelling. A coach from Lavender Rd to Second Link and into KL. Competing with the insane crowd going for Sepang F1. Then into KL, Ezen and Nor go collect the rental cars, and the evening was spent navigating to Tg. Malim.

We warmed up a little on the bus, a little more in the car. But the breakthrough moment was sitting in our little homestay, singing our hearts out with such classics as With Or Without You, I'm Yours, or my personal favourite, the 4 chord song :D

Still, all off to bed by midnight, cuz we had a packed day ahead!

7 am is not so hard to wake up at when you get up for camp at 6 every morning. Out the door by 8, and breakfast at the same place we had dinner. The Chanai was Shiok! Lift and fluffy, Malaysian goodness :P why doesn't Singapore do it the same?

Then finally, the main event! Whitewater Rafting! A bit of a drive down to the place, we reach, and kill time waiting for our Rover by taking silly pictures and making lots of noise!

The Rover ride was absolute pandemonium! Squeezing at all angles to fit into the photos taken. Haha, best was seeing Nor dangling out on a limb to get more room to take the picture!

then of course, the Horse! Horse! Horse! I think the video says it all:

Whitewater rafting was excellent, but I think my raft had a weight issue, all the M, L and XL happened to be on the same boat, so probably not as much tumble and tussle as it could have been.

When we reached the half-way point, taking a break and having a snack, I realized that the seat of my pants was a little more drafty than usual.

Eh, what you gonna do? Once again wearing boxers have saved the day, by protecting my modesty! :D

Waiting for us back at the 'base camp' was a sumptuous lunch, included with the whitewater package. By this time it was nearing 3, so we had our fill, and made our way towards the Felda Hot Springs too relax our muscles and chill for the day!

Water makes people playful, and I got a chance to reminisce on our cheerleading outings in our TJ days.

I'm still not a big fan of hot springs, mainly because I sweat ever so profusely even while in the hot spring and also, I don't really get the "relaxation" feeling after doing all that, haha, but that's just me.

Fulfilling lah my day in Malaysia, and had so much fun with these crazy people, didn't really want to go back the next day. Little would I know leaving the next day wouldn't be as easy as I we would like to either!

So we try to squeeze in one more little activity before we return home, and end up at a little SEA-s largest indoor rockwall place called Camp 5 @ One Utama. now I haven't done climbing in years, and being the fat kid always afraid of being a burden to someone, now I finally get a chance to try it once again. I did! And it was crazy fun! No doubt, I'm still terrible, but at least now I can climb! I've got more strength, less weight, and more confidence! It was such an accomplished feeling to finish just that first wall. It even warranted a second outing to Climb Asia @ the Civil Servants Club on Friday night!

But due to our rock wall adventure, we ended up missing the 4 pm bus back to singapore. Yet we were unfazed. No 4pm bus? We'll just take the midnight one then!

So we go on to deposit our belongings at one of those safe keep for luggage places, and check that they are open till 11pm. We then head off with Khim's friend, Tareh, as our guide, to let us go gallivanting in Kuala Lumpur. Our morning/afternoons are usually quite strenuous and by nightfall, we are tuckered out, and find lots of relax and chill activities. This day was no exception! As we sat around talking to Tareh and chillin'

What better way to end it all off, than with a massage to work the kinks out our legs and bodies. The full body massage doesn't work for me the same way the hot spring doesn't either. So opted for the leg massage with 10mins on the shoulders and back.

I simply love these people I travelled with, because while waiting for the rest to finish their massages, we break into song, and hold our little concert in the massage parlour!

Now is as good a time as any to let you know that I was the youngest there. My bday is in December so I'm still considered 19. The next youngest would be 25, the bulk of them at 27. The oldest was good ol' Mike, at 32. But there you go! These people were much older than me, but I had awesome fun with them, hardly thinking about our age gap at all! I was super lucky to be on this trip!

Anyway after the massage, we manage a quick dinner, then we rush back at 10:45 to collect our luggage. And Lo and behold, the stupid shop has closed for the day, leaving our group of 10 and one other stranger, mighty pissed off. Thank goodness I had my passport with me. Nor, Mike and Lock weren't as lucky. So the 3 of them extended a night of stay while the 7 of us went back first. The rest of our luggage will follow the 3 of them back the next day.

Left KL at midnight. Stopped for a break at 2 am. Then the Second Link at 4 to 4:30. Home by 5:30. Bathe change and off to camp I go. Just died the whole day in camp. And pretty much pooped the whole week, but definitely an experience I wouldn't want to ever trade up :)

to the gang of Lg. Sg. Chinnoh, much love, and thanks for letting me be a part of it!

for all the photos, check out:
Pearlyn's (Mike's Cam) photos
Lock's Photos

The Lg. Sg. Chinnoh Trailer:

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Brick By Boring Brick

I have added a new member to the small list of Celebrity Crushes!

Let's see who is currently in the bag:
+ Janet Hsieh - violinist, model, TRAVELLER
+ Kate Miccuci - awesomely cute Singer!

and the new addition to the team!

Ba da pap, pa da pa pa da
Ba da pap pap, pa da pa pum...


Hell yeah! lead singer of PARAMORE

speaking of raising in status, Paramore has joined my list of all time favourite band/group/artists, with the likes of Fall Out Boy, and John Mayer!

Hello all! Been trying to keep up with my emails, whole bunch to reply, haha, but its so much better cuz i can take my time, and can keep the emails for long periods of time, just hope they aren't decaying in my inbox. but no worry, they are all safely Starred away, for easy reference, and hopefully prompt replying.

depending on what time you read this, i may or may not have finished changing my blog layout, will get right to it after this!

Paramore is coming at a great time when i'm totally filled with raw restless energy. really wanna get out there and take the world by storm. haha, i love "Riot!"s explanation "a sudden outburst of uncontrolled emotion" nice!

Let's recap the week!
Monday - Gym with Jeremy, finally a chance to talk to him! but sadly, the gym wasn't as well equipped as hoped, will have to get back to SRC soon...
Tuesday- Japanese Lesson 2, its starting to get interesting, but since its only once a week, i'm getting a little impatient.
Wednesday - IPSC ended on Tuesday, so this would be my first day back in camp in a while. woo~ what a truckload of things to deal with. so just went home and rested for the night instead of usual wednesday night soccer.
Thursday - i'm truly lucky to have friends that respond to my sudden whims of movie watching, thanks Theo! great company to watch with :)
Friday - another day of rest!

The weekend was an interesting one, leaving me with a few things to think about.

Here was the plan -
Morn - NUS Open House
Afternoon - Patapon Mission
Night - Help mum with Make-A-Wish Flag day money counting stuff

Morn - NTU Open House
Afternoon - Canoe Polo
Night - rest

Saturday i went for the NUS Open house, to figure out that NTU Open house is only 1 day, so i missed my chance to go. but i guess its okay, since i was there mainly for the people, got a chance to talk to Jane Nad and Sian, and Wendy later on. they really are making me consider BlueBlood, just because, haha. Then got the time for the flashmob wrong by an hour... an hour late... oh well, so straight to Make-A-Wish Flag Day money counting, and helped out there, got to know a few new friends! So it was all good!

Lazy sunday morning with alot of FlashForward watching. Then down to town to meet Varun and Fidot to shop for Var's Comms Ball, and found that Fidot is interested in Scuba Diving in Malaysia too! looks like the May plans may actually materialise!

I found myself starting some conversations, but my eyes couldn't help but stray away and look at faces of strangers walking by. I'm not sure why, but it seems like something i have been doing alot of recently. Almost like i am looking for someone, but who? hmm...

stupid Jon Chan, "I need a chick"-rubbish.

What am i doing man, why do i feel so restless despite doing things that i want to do. i'm not unhappy, just unsatisfied.

I wish my Paramore Passion came earlier!!! dammit, Paramore just came AND LEFT SINGAPORE! don't know when they will ever come back again :'( but i shall pacify myself with their new album Brand New Eyes, if my budget allows for it.

Upcoming for March!
Makan Drama
Kayaking Expedition
KR Hall Production

I hope i've got some direction and not just flailing around >.< sigh

Friday, March 05, 2010

Little Men, Big Generals

Bus trips home are a great time to get my blogging done, especially when the night is still fray in my mind.

Tonight was Dinner and adventure with Bernice! Dinner was some guidance from, but a little side-tracked to a nice little Thai place at Sunshine Plaza.

It was a nice dinner, but a little hard to eat with this great big swollen lump on my lip >.< went to play soccer with the camp guys yesterday (always fun as always) but a little uncontrolled runnig, sudden stopping and face planting into a concrete wall, left me with a cut on my lip, a forth finger on my right hand unable to close, toe pain and back pain. Still... Totally worth it, lol.

Anyway, surprisingly filling dinner for a reasonable price, but had to save space for Rochore Tau Huay! Just had it with the ORD personnel on monday, but I was thrusting for a second round, so thought'd i'd bring Ber there too, and explore the general Dhoby Ghaut area in the meantime :)

But that was part of the killing time before going to check out Jackie Chan's latest movie (that doesn't suck, I'm looking at you 'Spy Next Door') Little Big Soldier.

1) I love Jackie Chan movies :) the fighting is always creative and hilarious
2) I love Olden China type films, so grand and usually uses history to bring out meaning and emotion
3) I enjoyed the movie thoroughly, and was glad to share it with Ber :D

What a fun night! It usually is with the 2 of us, let's expand our 'Adventure Gang'! Next up: may travelling plans!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Such a small Island

Have I ever said what a small island Singapore is? I'm sure I have, but man! Did I feel it tonight! What a night! WHAT A GREAT DAY!

My legs are totally cui now, and slowly turning to jelly, but totally worth it!

Let's start with the evening. Do you know "What Happened in the Island?" haha, through the wonders of Facebook, I came to know about Shaowei's Hall Production, and since I haven't seen the guy for so long, and itching to play watch again, gave it a chance.

With the mindset that it is a hall production (hence not taking it too seriously) it was really enjoyable, despite the cringing and the guffaws, some parts had potential for alot, so I may have filled in some gaps on my own :)

It really made me itch to be in a production again! The people, the atmosphere, and the possibilities of entertaining a full crowd! I dream a day of my directorial debut!

Now to the Small Country
Shaowei - knew him when I was in TA1, Drama Nick's friend which I got to know
Jiawen - Shaowei's sister (I can't even remember when I found out, but I know it wasn't early) and my TA junior!
Chengfeng - Jiawen and Shaowei's cousin, also a TA junior
Chengyi - Director of RnGad and elder brother to Chengfeng (and hence cousin of the first two)

Now that the family tree is out of the way...

Crap, I seriously can't remember his name - he's a dog handler at my camp, just had duty together not too long ago.
Natalia Tan - or better known in primary school as NAH-TAH-LIA! heh, now girlfriend to that guy from camp. Man! So long since I've seen her, hehe, but the "you look so different now" was awesome :D

Totally worthwhile coming for tonight musical :)

That's not all that made today awesome! Spent the whole morning with Zenia at ECP! Met her at 10ish and walked to check out the Swaveboard, at $2 an hour and $4 for 3 hours, it's damn worth it. But an hour was all we needed, it's tiring stuff trying to balance and 'swave' haha, but very proud of myself that I managed to learn it all in that hour :)

Then after a little recuperation, we attempted the Trikke, this funny looking third-kick scooter third-bike third-elliptical machine contraption, that though not very fast, was very interesting to maneuver.

So you can imagine after a whole day of such awesome noveu modes of transport, how jelly like my legs are now. But TOTALLY worth it :D

If only all Sundays could be as awesome!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Soon Kueh

Hello! i'm sure a post is long overdue, but i've just been so addicted to my iPod! so many videos to watch so little time, hur hur.

I will try to say something soon, but i also want to change my blogskin! maybe this weekend. can think of what to blog about on my iPod too, haha.

Soon young Padawan, soon...

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Hello Everybody!

I'm totally suffering from Glee-withdrawal symptoms at the moment. Just finished watching the episodes available for Season 1, and now i can't wait for April to roll on by, and for the next 9 eps to come out! Meanwhile, to fill this gaping hole, i'll have to turn to 2 things. 1) HIMYM and Pushing Daisies Eps, 2) the end of my groundature, and FREEDOM to go meet friends once again! ... if they will meet me :(

I realised that i have been seriously over eating for the past few days. i'll still do my gym and swim occasionally, but i'm eating a lot more too... that's not a good thing. must find away to distract myself, and focus on the weight loss!!!

January will be over by monday. wow. Feb will bring Ex Odyssey, Chinese New Year (+ CNY eve duty >.<) and should roll along quite fast too. I dunno why i feel so tired >.<

I had a good Project in camp recently. it really made me feel accomplished, and like i'm stepping up to fill the role as a senior in Ops Section. It was tiring as heck, but it felt rewarding when everything was finished. though i also know there's alot of follow up actions with the conclusion of the project, but work that i'm willing to do, and will make this year be more meaningful.

January felt like it slipped through my fingers. i wasn't really in control. i feel in control when i do things, when i initiate and finish things on my own. Janaury felt routine, like i've just continued to do what i usually do... hmmm... i don't really like that. maybe i'm just too restless.

By the way... I've passed my Driving Test! 10 Demerits only, and no immediate failures! so my license (the card) will come in a month, but i'm allowed to drive already! allowed in the sense of the Law, but not allowed in the sense of my parents >.< I know they are being concerned parents, and worry about my safety, but the initial feeling is still crappy, that they would like to instill such strict conditions for my first year of driving. hopefully i can show them that i'm a good driver, and impress them enough to let me drive on my own and subsequently with friends.

Nua-ness is returning... not a nice feeling

SYAK IS BACK. have i mentioned that already? hmm... still she's been back for about 1+ weeks now? still haven't met her. gotta plan something!!! miss her so bad. wish i had more time... but wait! i've got a day of Off from the Project! yes... maybe i'll use that soon :D then try to sneak in a bit more off with duties and such... yes yes!

okay, while i'm still on a high on planning what to do. let's try to meet Varun this evening!

Fave songs at the moment:
No Air
Somebody to Love
My Life Would Suck Without You
Take a Bow

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Square Brackets

Its the 24th of January.

wow really? already! woohoo, Jan is almost over, which means my grounding will soon be grounded! yes!

Though i must admit, it really gave me time to spend focusing on myself, and figuring out what 2010 is gonna be for me. [and watching ALOT of HIMYM LegendARY! (its so awesome when you know other people who watch it too!)] <- see how i had to use both regular and square brackets! this is not good, i need to learn to start using commas and using less brackets >.<

anyway. Sergeant pay countdown: 17 days.... oooh, i can smell it now. but most of this has already been spent, with Japanese Language Class costing me a hefty $300, and i think if i start dance in feb, that's another $100 gone. not to mention the Music i have been buying. and clothes i intend to get. oh god, i've turned into a big spender >.< may He have mercy on my wallet/bank account.

still, i've gotta think about what else i want to do. Feb, sounds like a busy month, with 2 weeks i believe will be stay in. (Ex Odyssey) it couldn't have come at a worse time, since SYAK IS BACK!!! just want to meet up with her as soon as possible! can't wait for that!

Oh yes... Swaveboard, i owe someone an appointment! haha.

hoping that my obsession with American TV will pass with January (though i will still be tuning in on my iPod) dammit, commas! it will have to at least dial down, so that i can go out more and go experience the world beyond my 3.5 inch screen.

I've been neglecting my phone, and my email. hmm...

BUT FIRST! i've gotta get my driving done!!! erk, i hope i pass >.<

I've learnt that i've got to give things, people and myself, time and space to breathe. So to a better February, i anticipate!

Saturday, January 16, 2010



January has all been about driving lessons

and swimming/gym

and GATO

and staying at home (i don't count the 1st week, that is New Year Celebration, not really January)

and watching Shows

and learning to focus,

and knowing i'm not quite there on the focusing bit.

ahh January.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Legend... wait for it... ary

Just spent my entire (grounded) weekend watching HIMYM Season 2. and it was Legend... - wait for it - ... ary! haha. dammit, makes me wish i stayed in the east with Kenneth and Eugene, then could have joined them all those times for HIMYM Marathons. but WOW, the show is great.

Its gonna be my new FRIENDS :D

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Hand Doodling and simpler times

Today while sitting in camp feeling bored, I pulled out my black marker pen and started doodling on my backhand. A nice little doodle I might add! Very tribal, will post it on my blog if I bother later, heh.

It reminded me of a time in TJ, when me and Varun (Varun and I!)were playing around with our markers and pens and did simple 2-hand combo doodles.

2-hand Combo Doodles

2 simple pictures, one drawn on each back hand, that when revealed would pair each other in theme.

For e.g.

Hand #1: red and orange striped umbrella
Hand #2: raincloud

Hand #1: Green Chocmint icecream (with cone!)
Hand #2: puddle of green with chocolate bits

You get the idea.

It was so simple but yet so pretty :)

Life was so much simpler in school. Lots of free time to kill and lots of friends surrounding you to kill time with. So many times humming around the canteen, or in the classroom and filming riduculous videos, ah, good times, goood times :)

Then I thought about this isn't the only thing that has changed. When I used to see everyone in school (and because I know all of us stay late in school) we wouldn't need to "meet up" and a simple telephone call would suffice.

Oh how we loved to talk! Talk straight into the night, until our ears got hot from being on the ear peice for so long, and our throats slowly getting drier.

And some how we slowly traded them for meet up sessions, which are great too, but it takes too much planning and effort for each instance, such that we don't catch up on regular days any more.

With a whirlwind which was 2009 I'm ready to try and slowly take at the reins of my life again and get off my lazy ass to do what needs to be done to stay in touch.

One of my new year resolutions: to learn how to use the phone again :) keeping in touch is more than grand events and outings, I've got to keep things simple!

Monday, January 04, 2010

One liners

I've got a truckload of emails i want to reply... but i'm lazy. like too tired to think of a nice reply lazy. bleargh.

I like watchin 1 Litre of Tears on my iPod!

Wednesday is cooking/baking/catching up day.

I would like someone to talk to, like sit down and talk for loong times.

TA Batch Gathering was gorgeous :) i'm jealous! wanna do something cool like that too!

I went for Canoe Polo again! good times, good times.

but tired, lah.

I'm grounded for the month of January :( sort of.

I met Stephanie Sim at City Hall today! Talk about COINCINDENCE (oh, and another person to email!)

Its 2010! what am i going to do thsi year? o.O

Friday, January 01, 2010

playlist: Navy (BlackBlue)

Top 3 songs i'm listening to now:

Warwick Avenue - Duffy
Dreaming with a Broken Heart - John Mayer
Clockwatching - Jason Mraz

such nice songs. very lull-y haha, songs to help me unwind. i should really get down to doing my ipod playlists, but for now i shall be content with my shuffle function.

Happy 2010. i want everyone i know to be part of my new year's resolution. i haven't quite firmed up what it is yet, but i know it involves you :)