Saturday, September 26, 2009

Treasure Hunting

My Blog skin is totally screwed up! but am too lazy to do it now, so will get down to it... soon... haha.

I have a tendency to only blog when i'm happy or in a good mood. that's good! cuz it makes sure my posts are filled with joy and good feeling, but sad when i don't recount everything i do :(

Today was such a fulfilling day out! started in the morning by meeting Varun at Vivo, where he participated in some Singapore Treasure Hunt thing, where i helped out by finding 2 of the Chosen People, but too bad he didn't manage to win $10,000 haha.

Had to leave before it ended, cuz i had an appointment with Uncle Sebastian. woo, i love getting my hair cut! i look better, and i like the hairwash, haha, feels good! and helps me relax :D Since i was all the way in Serangoon Gardens, decided to check in on Kerry and see if she was at home ( i always do this when i'm in the area, but usually she's not home) and lo and behold! The Great Kerry was home! she was going to church, and i was going to the MTG prerelease party, so we had lunch together, and talked and talked.

Its awesome talking to Kerry, she's such a good conversationalist, that i'm sure we could talk for hours, if only time permitted! haven't seen her since Rag'n'Flag, and even though its only been a short 1.5 months, it feels much longer, maybe since so much has happened in the past month(s). Hopefully, can do up a TASC gathering again once schedules free up (HAR HAR - schedules never free up! lol) or at least try, and touch base again, because we make awesome friends :)

Off to Suntec, where i got to indulge in another thing i haven't done in a while, play some Magic! haha, i'm not as hardcore where i follow every card, but its nice to go play a prerelease once in a while, check out new cards, and play a few games! brought back 7 boosters worth, but not sure how i'm gonna deal with them now that my collection is expanding again. hmmm... maybe with 3 blocks, i can go into standard! but we'll see.

hmmm... my deck was quite bad, but i made do. lost all my games so that was kinda sad >.< Hey raghav! i'll go get my webcam (or use my parent's one) and let's throw down a few! heh, our Online Magic might finally work XD

So a good day, and to top it all off, i've got Kayaking with ZT and Varun Tmr! so its all good, i'm set for a good weekend :D

now... to figure out how i gained so much wait in 2 days :'(

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Shot and wounded

I really should get to updating huh? haha, but the laziness bug has bitten again and i'm lazy to get it done! haha.

recently had a slew of late nights. Thursday was at Kevin's place with guys from the unit to play a bit of Texas Hold'em. i'm still a little conflicted as to how i feel about that night. well, i lost $50, it should have stopped at $30, but the inner gambler made me play on and lose more money >.<>.<

The game itself was awesomely fun. i really got a taste of how to play, and i'm itching to play more! but i don't want to play with money, its just waay to expensive, and i don't think i could take it >.< and i learnt a lot from that night. like how easily influenced i am, what kind of player i am, and just a whole bunch. yet on the other side of the coin, i think i really let my parents and myself down. my lack of control when influenced by peers is quite unnerving, i've got to work on a greater sense of Who i am.

Then next day awoke at 5+ in the morning because i had to rush to camp early. Friday was Familiarisation shoot! had IMT on wednesday, so met up with many of The Worst A-Tech Batch at SOA, ATT 26! haha, we may be the worse in pong cai's eyes, but i do belive my batch is freaking awesome. and it was great hanging out with everyone again on Friday.

the range itself was quite annoying, twice my detail had to fall out due to the rain, and it wasted a lot of time, and i do believe that is why i'm with the sniffles today. The night shoot wasn't very long, but after waiting for arms to be cleared, i only left camp past midnight, which kinda suck balls...

i think i shoot slightly better with an M16 compared to a SAR21, so maybe i might get that Marksman Badge afterall! but till then, will just have to wait for the next live range to come by.

ATT 26 guys were funny as hell. some of the people i really miss are Milks, and Bai. damn we could sit around and talk all sorts of random crap (BEEF) for hours. and that is precisely what we did yesterday. There are plans for a gathering on 3 Oct!

i'm supposed to have Kayaking today, but Jessica is sick, and anyway it rained this morning so it would have been cancelled anyway. now i have to find a way to make use of this long weekend, lest i waste it.

i need to think about why i keep finding things to do. what really makes me happy. because if not i might just be filling up my time to escape from myself. there are a lot of fundamental questions i have not been able to answer, and i need to sit myself down and figure out who the hell i am, and what i want out of my life. sadness, so DIFFICULT!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Its all in the Mind

Woah! what a day! off well spent i must say! Yes, it burns my off very early in the month (i just earned it in on Sept 1st!) But after all that was done today, it was worth it!

Started of with a morning at East Coast Park. First had breakfast at Changi Village, too bad its ramadan, so many of the shops are closed, but still a decent breakfast. Then East Coast Park for a bit of biking!

GkuGku, and Heng Woon was with My family (MomDad, Mat and I) but the main bit of biking was with the family. i think we made it quite far, past Tanah Merah i believe, about 10km from the end? the but was a little sore, and after yesterday's run, the upper thighs are kinda tight, but good fun, and talking as we rode was a good chance to make plans and discuss stuff.

Back home for a quick shower, and out for Lunch at The Mind Cafe! I think games are the one thing that my family has in common. i'm kinda sick of the same old movie or meal with the family, so decided to spice things up a little with a trip to The Mind Cafe, for a good game fix!

The games were absolutely awesome. The family is a great bunch to play games with, and 4 people is the perfect number of players for alot of the games.

played a good mix of fast games and one nice long one, a train game, haha forgot the name... still, it was good bonding, and we can make plans to go there again for another family outing next time!

After spending a good 4 hrs there, we went to meet Godma and Aunty Aileen at the Balestier indian restaurant place. we've been before, but this is Mom's first time. Dinner was good, slightly better than the last time actually. but everytime i come, i get overstuffed >.< gah, this does not bode well for our weight watcher...

i think there's something about the conversations with Godma, but it somehow turns to me and how 'hardworking' i am, or rather, am not >.< Mom would build her frustrations about how light and frivolous i seem to be, while i try to defend that i've got to be optimistic and hopeful. its a usual struggle. i know what MomDad says is so that i'm not too naive, and am able to handle hardship, but on my end, i can't help but feel that they are being unduly worried.

I understand. i need to change, i need to learn to be more disciplined and train up my cautiousness. Easier said than done, but at least i need to set myself working in the right direction

I intend to work on it while i'm in NS. its the perfect place to learn. Jeremy is what i need to be more like. I need to have more cautiousness, more discipline, and more patient. but i should balance it with my current strengths as well.

I'm worried about my studies still... i don't know if i'll be able to perform the best marks the moment i get into the study system again, but its an effort i will have to make.

gah, i'm not good with this. CANNOT GIVE UP! will work it through. must start today (internal battle being fought, every sentence written is slightly more forceful then what i hear in my head)

haha, schizo! but yes. put my mind to it. its done wonders for my exercise, and hope it will spill over to affect my whole life positively!

Today was a good day! if only all my off days could be like this :D (note: Matthew couldn't handle it though, too much done today, he's quite burnt from all the activities! haha)

Monday, September 07, 2009

I hate running :)

as i said in my previous post, i had no chance/mood/energy to do gym or go LIVE run the whole of last week. even today, Monday, Live run was eaten by cleaning arms and then duty rest.

since i'm in no shape to go gym, and didn't bring the stuff anyways (due to duty), i decided to go BBDC to go for the silly Theory Lesson, where i sit around for about 2 hours listening to some silly guy talking about somewhat insipid things. but i guess its all part of the 'education'. i wouldn't really mind if it didn't cost 18-FREAKING-DOLLARS!!! yes yes, a silly lecture which is a complete waste of my time costs $18, and if i miss it, that's $18 washed down the drain. Today i wasted $30 :(

why 30? the bus that ferries me down the hill was super late today, so i decided to rush down by Cab to BBDC. i reached, rushed straight up, to see the door closed with the sign "No Entry, this lesson has been going on for more than 10 mins" i look at the clock "6:25", what time did the lesson start? 6:15 :'(

WTF! i wasted not only the booking, but also the cab fare.sigh... oh well, i took a gamble with the time, because i know i'm cutting it close, and this time i got burnt >.<

so i went home with much frustration, and on the way back, was talking to ZT on the phone. we were talking about the many things we are doing and planning to do in the next few months, and all was good an exciting. what really stung was when he said he run 10km every sunday, and is consistantly shaving off his timing. i hadn't run for more than a week, and here he is, the Zai runner getting faster.

normally i wouldn't care. but i guess something clicked, and with the added frustration from my driving crap, i decided to do a Magdalene (hahaha, that sound so wrong) i decided to go run to relieve my stress.

i hate to admit it but it works >.< went off for a run... but i shan't disclose the details yet! not until i finally achieve my mission! hahaha. i call it Project End of the Rainbow. things always seem to have a heigtened sense of importance when you attach a name to it :) so... i hope to have a successful mission soon! then i'll blog about it again.

the thing that struck me was, when i came back home, the thought popped in my head 'i hate running' then i smiled :) so that's my thought for the day!

Rebel with a Cause

another sunday duty! gah! well at least i've cleared my weekend for this month! now only 2 more duties to go! one late in the month, but one is giving me a headache, hard to find a good day to do it >.<

I'm quite peeved with my duty tho. 3 duties within 8 days! 2 sundays and a tuesday, which makes for an alternate duty on the first sunday :( because of that, and cohesion on friday (tho i must say was awesome fun) i haven't done ANY live run nor any gym for more than a week. that's not good >.<

well, i could have gone gym on fri, but i had made prior plans, this time with good ol' friend Jackie! he jio me to go Clubbing with him on Friday night with his pals, and i guess you could say i was ready for a change of pace, so i went to see what this clubbing thing is all about!

We went to Rebel at about 10+, almost 11 pm. when we got in, it was thunderous music and fog machines galore. met Jackie and his date, Jeramy, Mark and his date, Stephanie, Jon Lee, KC x 2, Anson, and i can't recall who else.

I have a personal policy, or maybe a better word would be principle, that i will not drink alcohol outside of the house. mainly because i want to stay in control, but also to prove that i don't need alcohol to have a good time.

More details you can just ask me in person. but what i did learn is this. alcohol really does 'relax' you and make you think less, but at the cost of losing control at times. i'm glad i went, cuz i was 'quite entertained', had a new experience, and made a good new friend :P overall i would say it was a good experience, but its not something i would do too often. once a month is too much! haha.

went home at about 2am, thinking about the night for quite a long time. hmmm... i wonder what i would do the next time?

Wednesday, September 02, 2009


WHY! Blogger just ate up my last 2 posts on my blog!!! first the blogger layout doesn't want to work, now they eat my posts >.< am angry with blogger. but have no choice but to stick to this, since everything is here...

So! have you seen the new design? is it better? not so 'chicken scribbly' and small fonted right? do tag and post your comments!

more posts shall come soon. lets hope blogger stops eating up my posts!!!