Sunday, February 28, 2010

Such a small Island

Have I ever said what a small island Singapore is? I'm sure I have, but man! Did I feel it tonight! What a night! WHAT A GREAT DAY!

My legs are totally cui now, and slowly turning to jelly, but totally worth it!

Let's start with the evening. Do you know "What Happened in the Island?" haha, through the wonders of Facebook, I came to know about Shaowei's Hall Production, and since I haven't seen the guy for so long, and itching to play watch again, gave it a chance.

With the mindset that it is a hall production (hence not taking it too seriously) it was really enjoyable, despite the cringing and the guffaws, some parts had potential for alot, so I may have filled in some gaps on my own :)

It really made me itch to be in a production again! The people, the atmosphere, and the possibilities of entertaining a full crowd! I dream a day of my directorial debut!

Now to the Small Country
Shaowei - knew him when I was in TA1, Drama Nick's friend which I got to know
Jiawen - Shaowei's sister (I can't even remember when I found out, but I know it wasn't early) and my TA junior!
Chengfeng - Jiawen and Shaowei's cousin, also a TA junior
Chengyi - Director of RnGad and elder brother to Chengfeng (and hence cousin of the first two)

Now that the family tree is out of the way...

Crap, I seriously can't remember his name - he's a dog handler at my camp, just had duty together not too long ago.
Natalia Tan - or better known in primary school as NAH-TAH-LIA! heh, now girlfriend to that guy from camp. Man! So long since I've seen her, hehe, but the "you look so different now" was awesome :D

Totally worthwhile coming for tonight musical :)

That's not all that made today awesome! Spent the whole morning with Zenia at ECP! Met her at 10ish and walked to check out the Swaveboard, at $2 an hour and $4 for 3 hours, it's damn worth it. But an hour was all we needed, it's tiring stuff trying to balance and 'swave' haha, but very proud of myself that I managed to learn it all in that hour :)

Then after a little recuperation, we attempted the Trikke, this funny looking third-kick scooter third-bike third-elliptical machine contraption, that though not very fast, was very interesting to maneuver.

So you can imagine after a whole day of such awesome noveu modes of transport, how jelly like my legs are now. But TOTALLY worth it :D

If only all Sundays could be as awesome!

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