Saturday, July 29, 2006

Week 5? Already?

SO BlackLights is over, and it was quite good really. just that im not so high about posting about it. haha don't really know why, maybe i am just lazy. Anyway, check out other people's blogs, they got quite descriptive posts about the event. In terms of leading it, there wasn't really any problem. Quite smooth except for the communication between the organisers and Mr Kao, but he is okay now (afterall, the thing is over!)

Still tired though. relapse perhaps, either that, my body has gone into a slack mode, and have gotten into the inertia of just lying around, relaxed and serene. Still, it never really does stop does it? i just had a BlackLights evaluation in school, and we still got to work hard the rest of the year to recoup our losses. but that is just part and parcel of the entire process. Moral- Don't get into debt in the first place!

Also, the classroom environment can get quite stressful. especially with stressed out groupmates that affect the team. I quite enjoy working with raghav and the gang, even though we don't always get top scores, but the thing is that we understand, and we have fun doing it. Just the other day, Mr Tearle Cheng was saying that we were the "Moron group". True, but at least we have a lot of fun! just that day we were screaming at the top of our voices, "DAMN YOU VELLAY! quick pour the damn thing!" and Bob was counting down, "10, 9, 8, 7,... 2,1!" and we were screaming cuz we were not ready! Haha, hence the name, "Moron group". absolutely crazy. But i do enjoy MOST of the projects we are doing. It is no point doing a project if you are not going to have fun learning the thing. What is the point of worrying about all the details and the grades, if you end up resenting the work?

Thankfully, i'm thoroughly enjoying the LA project play. I've always wanted to try my hand at putting up a production, and even though i did not get the chance in drama, im glad to have the opportunity now. And i think a large credit goes to my grpmates. it just clicks i guess. there is group dynamics, which sad to say, is not as prevalent in other groups (or at least not as obviously). And there is definitely that required level of commitment ( either that it is the group's living fear of the NOVEMBER FIST). So that is my major project for the term, or at least that is where my focus lies. I just hope that i dont end up having to pick between this and my studies.

Speaking of which, there are 2 accomplishments i would like to share. 1) I PASSED 2,4!! quite shocked, as this is my first time doing so. if only i had put in this effort and determination last year, as i fear i may not be able to get my bronze, due to chin ups. 2) i did better in my grades than expected! i got 2 As, and for the most unexpected subjects! A for Bio, which i flunked the test, and flunk almost every assignment given, but still able to get an A (mrs lam really must be stressed, she giving away As too freely) and A for History. Now that is the ultimate shocker for me, as i actually got a D last year for the year ends. I think i am starting to grasp the subject better. this is why i took history in the first place, it is an amazing subject, it may be a lot of information, and a lot of content, but it is bloody interesting, and i really see the relavance to my life.

Week 5. halfway through my term already, and that much closer to the promos. i think things have changed. In terms of effort, attitude, determination. I wouldn't say i am a muggertoad, nor would i say im the happy idiot that doesnt give a squat about work, but i think there is somewhat of a balance. I dont have as big an issue about putting in effort anymore, and i do feel better about myself. hmm... i wonder what brought about this change? Anywho, it is scary how close the end of year is. Revision shall be commencing soon.

I wonder what my social life is like now? i wish i could take a step back and observe myself, cuz honestly i have no clue.

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