Thursday, July 02, 2009

Duty, Honour, Country, Guard Duty!

I better get to sleep soon! tomorrow's my first guard duty! sigh. quite sad that my first month at guard duty has so many problems! haha. its mainly cuz there is production this month, so lots of dates have to be moved around. Whatsmore, i had the misfortune of getting 2 Friday Duties and 1 Sat one out of my 5 duties.

Here's how the Duties work:

12-hr duties. 2-3 shifts of 2hr prowl and 4hr rest
next morning, duty rest until 12 noon, then join work after lunch

24-hr duty, 4-5 shifts of 2 hr prowl and 4 hr rest
next morning, duty rest until 12 noon, then join work after lunch.

Now if you notice, in a stay out camp like mine, there are certain days that are worse than others

Friday - sure, its only 12 hours, but sad thing is, there is no duty rest, since the next day is saturday, so no skipping work for you!

Sunday - holy crap yo! its 24 hours!!!

Saturday - now this is the mashuggenna of bad duty days, not only is it 24 hours, but there is no duty rest since it ends on sunday morning! sigh, weekend burnt just like that

Yeah well, even though its kinda sucky to have duties, at least i get to earn off! its not as easy as ZT who gets an off for every weekend duty, but at least its better than no off at all! i'm already planning to spend my July off in August to See Raghav off. hopefully all goes well, and i can claim my off promptly!

they say that the thing about guard duty is that you get bored real fast, so finding a good prowl buddy is good. and its always best to stock up on movies on your player to tide you through the sleepless hours.

I'm a little worried about my energy. haven't done duty before so don't know how tired i'll be after. hopefully not TOO tired, then at least i won't burn out at Rehearsal the next day. yes yes, i'm going straight from camp to duty to rehearsal, and depending what time things end and how dead i am, i'm also catching Transformers 2 tmr with the guys!

Ambitious aren't i? but that sound like the right weekend for me, lots of things to do, let's just hope i don't tire out too much. gotta run on Monday!

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