Tuesday, July 07, 2009

left 4 alive

Just got back from my first ever L4D experience! woo! funstuffs! to think, i was so hesitant on trying it cuz i've never been good/into the whole LAN gaming thing. but still L4D is an awesomely simple yet awesomely fun game which anyone could pick up in 5 mins :D i'm thinking L4D with friends soon!

I have been dying this week so far (yes i know its only tuesday, but i just know that its gonna be a tough week ahead) Monday was rehearsal at TOPH, and rehearsal was terrible :) haha, props was an epic fail, cues were terribly followed, space had totally changed, everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. but yet, i think i enjoyed myself on Monday! rehearsing in the space is so different! some people got stressed by it, but i simply fed of the excitement of it all :)

Today met Nick! he's back from UK, and popped by to say hello! managed to talk a little with him over dinner, but the rest of the night's conversation was made up of "HOLY SHIT!! I'm DYING, I'M DYING!", "Shoot the tongue! THE TONGUE!" "WTH! i didn't even do anything and i died!" and "HOW DO I HEAL?", etc. yes yes, my virgin L4D experience was given to Nick! haha, should give him something special since he's all the way back here :D I like how we can just talk like he never left, it doesn't feel that different. sure the circumstances have changed, but we're still the same kind of friends, its awesome :)

The rest of the week is responsibilities everywhere. Tmr and Fri are Duty days for me, so that leaves me with thursday, which i'm using to hopefully get my FTT evaluation out of the way. hmmm... if i fail i'm going to have a problem... since the damn test can't be refunded. oh well... i think i should be able to pass the FTT eval? if i can, then the test should not be a problem!

went to SRC to pick up my membership card, so that means once production is out of the way, i've got to hardcore my training and pass my damn ippt! i can do it! i know i can! after that, i can focus on driving! and getting that 2 Star Kayaking cert! haha i like how the plans are fitting along nicely :D for now at least.

Picked up a few fliers/brochures/pamphlets at Esplanade, i foresee some shows/events i would like to go for! preferably if the right people are available to go with me :) but that's still far away, most of the interesting ones are in Sept i think, so can brace for those. STOMP is coming to town, maybe can discuss with MomDad if the family can go? its a little on the expensive side... but see how first, that's in Sept too.

I've been so tired this week that i've been falling asleep in the office even when Master Chua and Staff Jason are around, that is not good >.< I better get enough sleep, if not i might just burn out.

well, i'm gonna struggle to stay alive! haha, see you on Thursday, if i don't completely collapse from exhaustion! haha.

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