Sunday, July 12, 2009

Pictures of Me, Pictures of You

Its Sunday night! and i haven't been home all that much to blog, i'll explain everything in a jiff, but boy am i tired... don't think i'll do live run tomorrow, i haven't had proper rest since thursday night... that can't possibly be good for me >.<

Friday was guard duty again! i don't mind it all. the only thing is reeking after each guard duty, but apart from that, i actually get to catch up on sleep, lose some weight, and get to experience my camp better, so what's not to like? haha, there's possibility its all denial, but hey, for the moment it works, and i guess you could say i'm quite garang when it comes to doing duty, so yeah, if i have to do it, might as well enjoy it :)

its a good thing i felt properly rested after guard duty, if not i would not have been able to survive saturday. Rehearsal in the morning as usual, we've finally come to the last week of rehearsals! woo! the play is coming (and GOING) and can finally get this done (and out of the way XD)

Afterwhich, i quickly headed to Serangoon Gardens to get my hair cut! my hair isn't that long, but i guess i wanted to keep it short and neat and easy to manage. and airier too! but mostly is because i'm vain, and i wanted to look nice for saturday night!

What's so special about saturday night? Saturday was Syak's Farewell BBQ, and it was great. it was so nice to see everyone having fun together, and syak getting all emo about going. but it was a time to celebrate, and to come to terms with the fact that we're all going our different ways. different doesn't mean seperate, because after Saturday night, i sincerely believe that we won't be apart for that long, and we will always find reasons and ways to cross paths and talk like we never split :)

Then after syak left, we spent the rest of the night playing games, first murderer/polar bear at the pavillion, then we moved things upstairs to Jane's place, and played things like Taboo and Indian Poker. I didn't know that Jane was so well versed in these funny games, but its awesome that she is! haha, games are best when not everyone knows each other. Speaking of which, i've got to get back down to finishing the game peices for 'The Factory Game' thinggum, haha.

I'm actually in a combi of tiredness, and really melancholic. i miss people already even when they haven't gone. i feel like i'm trapped but certain responsibilities, when i much rather be doing the things that matter to me right now.

I'm gonna go to sleep, and when i wake tomorrow, i wish to be happy. :)

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